Black Rabbit Service

"We are a service and repair company first. We only sell products that we believe are of the highest quality and will last our customers a long time." - Double J, Co-Founder

Black Rabbit Service was founded in 2016 by Alex Lambert and Jason "Double J" Johnson. Both Alex and Double J started working in coffee shops in the mid 90's, and they met in the early 00's when they both landed jobs at Stumptown Coffee as service technicians.

After building one of the most comprehensive coffee service programs in the country for Stumptown, they decided to branch out on their own and start Black Rabbit Service.

Many of the folks who work at Black Rabbit have been working together for well over 10 years. Still to this day they get together outside of work to play music, collaborate on art projects, and once a month they gather in the forgotten realms to battle it out with orcs and wizards in their epic ongoing Dungeons & Dragons campaign.

Get In Touch

Black Rabbit Service currently services the finest coffee shops, restaurants, bars and hotels in the Pacific Northwest and Southern California, as well as provide consultation, equipment and part procurement across the United States.

Black Rabbit Service sells and services all HeyCafé grinders.